Ugazio, V., Guarnieri, S., Anselmi, P., Castelli, D., & Pandolfi, M. (2020) The Therapeutic Relationship with Clients with Phobic, Obsessive–Compulsive, Eating, and Depressive Disorders: Which Meanings Prevail?, Journal of Constructivist Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/10720537.2020.182820

Ugazio, V., & Castelli, D. (2015). The semantics grid of the dyadic therapeutic relationship (SG-DTR). TPM – Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 22(1), 135-159.

Castelli, D. (2013). La relazione terapeutica nei disturbi alimentari psicogeni: Analisi della semantica e dei positioning interattivi fra paziente e terapeuta. Doctoral dissertation.

Castelli, D. (2011). Fra più e meno: Epidemiologia dei disturbi alimentari psicogeni nei Paesi occidentali. In Quaderni di Psicologia Clinica 2 (pp. 207-231). Bergamo: Sestante.

Castelli, D. (2014, November). La famiglia in terapia: un optional? L’efficacia della terapia familiare. Symposium conducted at “La terapia familiare è utile? Indicazioni ed efficacia del trattamento familiare nel disagio psichico-esistenziale. A. O. “Ospedale Treviglio-Caravaggio”. Treviglio, Italy.

Castelli, D., Ugazio, V., & Guarnieri, S. (2014, June). Interactive semantics polarities, therapeutic relationship and psychopathologies. Symposium conducted at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ugazio, V., Castelli, D., & Guarnieri, S. (2014, June). Family semantic polarities and therapeutic relationship in phobic, obsessive-compulsive, eating and mood disorders. Symposium conducted at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Guarnieri, S., Ugazio, V., & Castelli, D. (2014, June). Do the semantic polarities and positioning change during the therapeutic process? A single case study. Symposium conducted at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Copenhagen, Denmark

Castelli, D. (2014, September). Semantics in the therapeutic relationship. Symposium conducted at the 5th meeting of Qualitative Research on Mental Health. Chania, Greece.

Castelli, D., & Pandolfi, M. (2014, September). L’ansia li unisce, la semantica li divide: La relazione terapeutica con pazienti con disturbi fobici e ossessivo-compulsivi. Symposium conducted at “Come trasformare i vincoli in risorse? L’approccio sistemico dentro e fuori la stanza di terapia”, Milano, Italy.

Ugazio, V., Fellin, L., & Castelli, D. (2013, October). Family Semantics Polarities and Positioning in different psychopathologies. Symposium conducted at The 8th European Family Therapy Association Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.

Castelli, D. (2013, May). La relazione terapeutica nei disturbi alimentari psicogeni. Symposium conducted at “La posizione del terapeuta nelle semantiche familiari: trappola o risorsa?”, Milano, Italy.